The Role of the Chairperson in a Sectional Title Scheme

Category Advice

The chairperson of a body corporate is often given or takes on an autocratic role. Although the chairperson bears more responsibility and may spend more time taking care of duties than other trustees, they do not have the right to make decisions relating to the management of the scheme alone. These decisions will fall onto the whole group of trustees. 


How is a chairperson selected?

At every AGM (annual general meeting), the body corporate has the duty to select trustees for the coming year. These trustees will then, at their next meeting, elect a chairperson from among themselves. The chairperson will hold this title until the next AGM election.


What are the rights and responsibilities of a chairperson? 

Meeting responsibilities

The main role of the chairperson of a sectional title scheme will be to host and chair all body corporate meetings. With this comes the responsibility to: 


  • confirm whether the minimum number of members are present,
  • lead through the meeting agenda to discuss points for and against decisions needing to be made,
  • host and declare the outcome of any necessary voting,
  • supervise the allocation of expenses, 
  • ensure the minute books and other meeting documentation are available, 
  • and ensure that trustees can express themselves without disruption. 

Voting rights 

The chairperson has both a deliberative and a casting vote, but will only have a deliberative vote - which is an ordinary trustee vote - in the case of a deadlock. When votes are tied, the chairperson will have a casting vote to break the tie. The casting vote cannot be used when there are only two trustees present. 


The chairperson of a sectional title scheme has an important position to fill, but isn't the only committee member with duties and authority. All owners should feel responsible for the needs in their scheme in order to protect the value of their property. 


If you need external guidance to advise on the needs of your sectional property's management, reach out to our trusted management team.



Submitted 04 May 21 / Views 5458