Things To Consider When Choosing An Office Space

Category Advice

When choosing a place to set up shop, there is usually a lot to consider: for your team, for your clients, for your suppliers, and most importantly, for your success. 


If you are scouting potential office spaces, it's important to weigh up the positives and the pitfalls of every location before making your decision.

Here are some things to keep in mind when considering an office space for your business

1. Location, Location, Location

There's a reason property experts beat this drum constantly... It's because it's true. A great business in the wrong location could face significant challenges, even failure. Will you be within the bullseye of your customer base? Is the office accessible and within a reasonable distance for staff to commute? Does the area suit your brand image? Is there sufficient parking?

2. Your Competition

This probably seems like a no-brainer, but setting up shop right next door to a competitor might not be the best idea. On the other hand, it could be strategic if your business falls into the industrial category, for example. Consider whether being in close proximity to your competition might help or harm your business.     

3. Access To Amenities 

Is the property within walking distance to amenities your staff or clients need? Easy access to coffee shops, laundromats, convenience stores or a mall would add great value to their daily work experience. If staff can run errands or take lunch breaks away from the office, this could help them feel energised and productive both personally and professionally.

4. Potential For Growth

Does your business have plans to expand? While you don't know what the future holds, you can still plan for growth. If your vision includes plans to branch up and out, consider whether the premises would give you room to do so. 

5. Visibility

While we are in the digital age, with online marketing adding a new dimension to reaching new customers, there is still a place for brick-and-mortar visibility. Some questions you might ask: Is the building visible from a distance? Does it allow for good, effective signage? Is it near high-traffic areas like a main road?

6. Layout 

You will also need to decide whether the office layout will suit your day-to-day needs. Could you make adjustments without compromising the structural integrity of the building? Will renovating cost you more than you'd be willing to spend? Will the layout maximise productivity and staff morale?


We hope these key considerations will help you find your dream office location.

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Submitted 28 Sep 22 / Views 986