What to Consider When Choosing Your Student Accommodation

Category Advice

Finding the right accommodation will play a significant role in shaping your college experience. It's where you will spend a large portion of your college years, where you will get most of your studying done, and possibly where you make some of your lifelong friends. 


Although there are plenty of accommodation options available out there, picking the right one will take time and intention. Here are some of the factors you should consider when choosing your student housing: 


What is your budget? 

Before you look at anything else, you need to decide on a budget. This will largely impact your location and lifestyle for your student years. Ideally, try and find a place that is just lower than your budget cap to give leeway for any unexpected expenses. Exceeding your maximum budget would be very unwise. 


Where is your ideal location?

What is the distance to your classes from the accommodation? Travelling can be expensive, so try and find a spot that will give you the most convenient commute as possible. This includes the distance to shops and other places you will frequently travel to. If you can find a location near public transport it will be a saving grace for your budget.


Another location factor to take into account is safety. Considerthe reputation of the area, and the security around the property you will be staying in. The last thing you want in your student years is an added stress for your safety. 


Have you checked your connection?

Remember, your student room is where you'll be spending many hours studying and working on assignments. You'll need internet access for research, so make sure a connection at the accommodation is always available. Choppy internet can result in an extremely stressful study experience.


How much are you willing to share?

If shared accommodation is on the cards, we would advise you to get to know your potential roommates before signing the lease agreement. You could end up either having a frustrating year with roommates you don't get along with, or you could make some really good friends that make your student experience all the better!


Consider how much personal space you'll need and how much communal space you are willing to share. Also note that many student accommodation options are move-in ready. This might be exactly what you need, or could be off-putting for those who enjoy being around the comfort of their own things. 


Many of these factors will boil down to your personality. Whether you are someone who enjoys being in the company of other people, whether you need silence, or a bit of bustling background noise to comfort you. If you're searching for the perfect accommodation to make your student season as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, our agents are equipped and ready to help!



Submitted 29 Sep 21 / Views 1199